With closing day rapidly approaching, the final week of the Brighton ski season is an event always anticipated by locals looking forward to sunny skies, cold beers, slushy turns, and sunburns. This year, however, nature had other plans. A storm that initially looked to be a pretty weak and warm started piling on the snow late Sunday night and didn't let up until Wednesday morning. And while the temps were fairly warm, it made for some very good riding. Heavy snow underneath allowed for solid speed and confidant takeoffs, and yet it was also somehow still light enough on top to erupt into clouds with every turn. These conditions invited Jeremy Collett and Tyler Marantz to send it in some classic Brighton zones on Tuesday while I snapped a few pics. And with minimal crowds and relentless snowfall, we were soaked to the bone and worn out long before the fresh stuff was tracked out. Definitely an April pow day for the books.